A wise person once claimed, 'success is a staircase not a doorway'. Its important to remember that we will always have to work to achieve our potential, whatever that may be, and when we achieve that potential our success is oh so much sweeter because of the work we have had to put in.
This concept applies to almost everything in our lives. Last night I was reading an article in Elle describing the writer's experience of training for and running a marathon. She gained such a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction as she completed her goal after months of exhausting physical and psychological training and exertion. But what was most fascinating for me was that in the end it was the journey that had made the lasting impact not the achievement of passing the finishing line. She ended up addicted to running and had signed herself up for another two marathons that year!
Behind every success story there's a struggle; from the big city law firm lawyers and politicians to world famous athletes, dancers and singers. I'm willing to bet if you ask any of these people they'll have some experience to bring to the table and most of the time, if not always, they'll look back at those experiences and battles with pride.
So why am I chattering on about these musings? Simply put: today I need inspiration! I have exams in 3 weeks... actually more like 2 weeks and I'm really struggling to push into my revision. The sun is glorious and I'd reallllly like to work on a tan. I've spent the last 5 days procrastinating and seeing friends but this work just will not budge! In my head it all very much looks like this:
So here's a shout out to all those revising and working towards exams right now. I feel your pain! Lets get our heads down and work towards something bigger and then we'll look back on these days gone by with pride of our own (the good kind of pride!).
P.S. A further theory: Sipping hot chocolate from this mug would definitely enlarge the brain cells and basically make you a more intelligent person... now who sells these?