Sunday 1 January 2012

This Year

Hello stranger!

I have lost my work ethic of recent. I have been distracted and my mind has made nest in shallow pursuits far from working towards my degree, writing and blogging. But with the entrance of 2012 I shall mark my return. Last year begun with an almighty bang. 2011 has been a roller coaster and my wish for 2012 is that it would be much more comparable to a rowing a small boat on a massive lake on a summers day. I not afraid of a little hard work at times but no unexpected upsets and all the same a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

As I told you last year, I write a list of goals and pursuits for the 365 days ahead. The list for 2012 is almost ready and as per usual here are a couple of my less personal ones.

Visit Paris:
Whilst I have visited France I have never yet set a foot in its capital and oh it has been my dream for so long. This year it is time to stop adding so much to my bucket list and instead time to start trying the things I can do whilst I have the freedom to experience it! Paris is among the first to be checked off although I have a feeling once I've spent a little time there I shall want to go again and again!

Do Something Spontaneous:
If I knew what it would be it would not be spontaneous! This possibly sounds a little brash but I've been taking the wrong risks of late and shielding away from the right ones. Time to open up my mind, take a deep breath and step out into the wide world!

Damselfly has always been a breath of fresh air in my life. I enjoy blogging and writing at leisure but I want to extent my love of writing a little further this year. This year I want to challenge attitudes and opinions outside of my blogging. I am going to try my hand at writing about things that are controversial or of the moment; current affairs and law mostly.

Go Back:
I'm not sure whether I am going to have the time or opportunity this year but I am certainly going to serious start thinking about it again. I miss Rwanda and I miss giving some of my time and my limited knowledge and skills to work out there and have an impact. But also Rwanda gave so much in return to me I felt released from thinking or caring about the things I do right now. My only fear is that I am such a different person to the teenager that travelled there nearly 3 years ago. But who are we if we do not face our fears?

Stay Classy:
Don't get me wrong I'm well aware the standard new years resolutions include 'drink less', 'eat less rubbish' and 'exercise more' but I'm not talking about that. Whilst this unusual goal does mean not drinking to excess it also means much more. How much more is the ultimate discovery.

Academic Pursuits:
The usual - a good 2.1 (if not improving on last year's mark). But this year I want to find a career I feel I could submit the next 5 years at least to. Whilst I love law, I enjoy writing, I want to work internationally and I want to be challenged I still can't think of a career that fully satisfies all four. There has to be something!

So there you have it a generalised, simplied and shortened version of my goals for this year. Oh 2012 please do good by me!

Until 2012!


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