Here's the first batch of photos from my trip to Turkey. The weather was insanely hot, we were out and about in temperatures of 45 degrees celsius everyday. The food out there is absolutely amazing, everything is so colourful, and the flavours so fresh. I took so many photos of the beautiful edibles that I've dedicated a single post to it.
The local weekly market.
I'm a fan of the chilli. People were buying these by the bag load.
I know this isn't food, it just amused me to no end just how far the Twilight fever has spread.
No idea what the black things are, fried bananas maybe?
The Turks make this cheese in particular which looks a little like goats cheese and has the same consistency yet its make from cows milk and tastes creamy. I'm not sure how else to describe it but I'm definitely endeavouring to find something like it in the UK.
I didn't managed to snap a photo of the native spirit Raki either (I'm hoping that's how its spelt). Its a spirit close in flavour to that of Sambuca, aniseed; yet instead of being sweet and sticky its sour and almost dry tasting.