Saturday 19 March 2011

See! I told you it doesn't always rain in England!

Just wanted to take a moment and show you a beautiful place. I travelled there early this morning to help some friends of mine who are shooting a short film (it looks like a pretty good story-line, can't wait to see the finished project). Trebah gardens are among the top 80 in the world. They were certainly the prettiest gardens I've ever seen.

This bridge looks like it belongs to a scene from a movie based on a Nicholas Sparks novel.

March daffodils <3

Baby lockness monster!

Sometimes I think Cornwall looks like a sub-tropical country rather that part of England.

I'm afraid I cannot take credit for the photographs, the talented one is a a friend of mine. Do pop by and give his Tumblr a visit sometime.



  1. This is really pretty. You're right it's not always miserable and bleak here! x

  2. Thank you! Always nice to disprove the stereotype once in a while! xoxo

  3. Wow! That's really beautiful.
    I wouldn't have guessed that it was England in a million years!
    stereotypes are so funny somethimes.
