The only complaint I have regarding my law library at university is completely superficial. Its all too new! All too organised, too shiny and too open. I don't mean this in a pretentious manner its just not cosy enough for me. As pointed out above the inspiration is just not there, except the inspiration to get out and find somewhere smaller and warmer to read such as wrapped in blankets and surrounded by cushions in my room. Then I end up just dropping off to sleep... its a no win really.
Beauty has much in the way of inspiration, it raises our gaze to something above and beyond how was currently perceive things. It can make us feel more is accessible and to aim for better but sometimes it can cause individuals to shy away out of feelings of inferiority. These libraries have could never make me feel subordinate. They only inspire.

p.s. Sorry for the lackage of postage of recent. I need to spend time finding some more inspiration. What a pity my library is so new.