Saturday 5 February 2011

I was wishing you were here with me...

I like to record things. I express myself through writing and sometimes through song. It sounds dreamy and innocent I know but it helps me to get everything down on paper; problems seem less overbearing and goals appear more achievable. Aside from keeping a journal, a past-time I've kept for over 7 years now, I began keeping a 'wish box' sometime two years ago.

The 'wish box' is not elegant, its as plain as boxes come, and I never waste time writing anything fancy or pretty. The notes I place in my 'wish box' say it how it is. They say things like, 'I wish I'd never said that..', 'I wish I hadn't ignored him because I was scared of what he'd think', 'I wish I could stop procrastinating and do some work!', 'I wish I had a training contract' and 'I wish I could do my eyeliner like she can..'. I always place a date at the bottom of the note, I rarely name names and I never write more than a short sentence. I'm not sure what purpose it serves except that it gets the little things off my chest. I do love looking back at my 'wishes' a year on and recalling or wondering what the circumstances were!

Placing my wishes in my box means I don't always have to carry them around weighing down my heart.


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