Monday 12 April 2010

500 Days of Inspiration

Last weekend I watched '500 Days of Summer' twice. I have been hoping to see it for ages and it was definitely worth the wait. The film is described as a 'story about love but not a love story', and in short its certainly not your average romantic comedy. The movie draws on artistic techniques I associate with more 'world cinema' and indie films. United with a brilliant and unpredictable story-line, this movie was an absolute win for me. What follows is five things I intend or have been inspired to do since watching '500 Days...'. Don't laugh or judge until you've watched it for yourself!

1. Next time I am in Ikea I will play 'house' in all the rooms. Read the books, lie on the sofas and beds and cook dinner in the kitchen. I'm too big for a Wendy-house, but no one is too big for Ikea.

2. If I ever own a house one day, I plan to have a play room or even an office with one wall purely a black chalk board. Then I will buy lots of different coloured chalk and create a masterpiece every month. Plus I can teach my children the alphabet and how to spell on it.

3. I will decorate a branch with origami birds made from different papers. Using, metallics, floral papers, vintage inspired papers, tissue paper and card.

4. I will play 'penis' in the park with my friends and shout other playful obscenities.

5. I will explore vintage music stores for old vinyls. Maybe one day I will invest in a vinyl player and have it displayed in my living room.

6. I will sing karaoke more often. Just because.

Hope you enjoy it too! Ta ta for now.


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