Tuesday 28 December 2010

Good for the Soul!

Before the new year's eve and the completion of my list of goals for the up-and-coming year I nearly always write some kind of list of books I want to read. Sometimes it is lovely to put aside the legal books and much time for another type of reading, reading for the soul! It is more than likely I will read these and more but these 5 are key. I have just placed an order online for these books and I simply cannot wait until they arrive and I can get started!

1. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
I saw one of my flat mates reading a copy last November and suddenly longed for a beautiful edition like hers to read. Yes I know it sounds shocking that I have come this far in life still without having read 'Jane Eyre', I thought about reading it last year but ended up just watching the BBC adaptation instead. I did read Wuthering Heights last year and thoroughly enjoyed that so what is one more bronte novel to add to the collection?

2. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
I have just finished 'Jamaica Inn' by Daphne du Maurier; it is a book set deep in the heart of the Cornish countryside and I figured it would be nice to read something set in my home county. I touched on 'Rebecca' briefly during my study of Gothic Literature during A level English Literature but I cannot for the life of me remember the story. I am excited about this read.

3. Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert
I haven't watched the movie but its got fantastic reviews. I am very old school when it comes to watching movies based on books. The novel must always be read first. I did this with Dear John, The Time Traveller's Wife and My Sister's Keeper this year. Just so you know;the books are ALWAYS better.

4. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
This is completely new to me, I know its a classic and that it literally about it. I'll let you know my thoughts after reading!

5. Appetite, Nigel Slater
So this is non-fiction. It is actually a cookery book, or at least a book about food. I have come to rather enjoy cooking whilst living by myself. I would like to improve and my father swears by this book. I had a flick through of his copy last night and I love the way Slater doesn't just hand over a book full of recipes, instead he encourages you to think for yourself and experiment.

Much Loves


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