Sunday 9 October 2011

Bright eyes and bushy tails

I've never missed home more than I did this last week. My family came down for my birthday at the weekend and despite coming down with some monster throat infection I had a lovely time on the sea with them for the day. I do have to keep reminding myself at the moment just how much I love university but there's something about being in the comfort of your family even for a couple of days that make all problems seem smaller and I feel so much more at ease. Recently university has become work work play with no breaks because I cannot let myself stop to think and breathe. The 'bug' has still not left and I'm getting a little fed up with it now. I want to start at the gym again and feel bright eyed and bushy tailed! By the end of the week I'm determined to be there and here's how I figure it should be done;

Plenty of Sleep. I live beside a dockyard and as fascinating as it is to stare out at the boats outside my window, sleeeeeep can be trying on nights when they are busy cleaning or whatever it is they do. I can sleep though those ridiculous shift alarms now, who knows what my capacity to sleep though will be come the end of the year!

Water. We all know it, we don't drink enough. I'm not saying your life will miraculously change if you consume 2 litres a day but your skin gets better, you're more awake and on it for lectures and it detoxs all that alcohol. 

Friends. I would be such a mess without my friends. They are the sugar, icing and chocolate sauce on the university experience. Without them my degree would be very different (plus nights out would be seriously boring)! Thank you to you all, you know who you are :)

Exercise. For the endorphins. For the body. For the self-confidence and.. For the will power! But maybe I'll leave that one for when I can breathe for 10 minutes without breaking into a fit of coughs! 

A Smile! My mother always told me that a different type of beauty radiates from inside and when you smile its any inner beauty a person has that shines through. Course I'm talking about real smiles here, not the fake 'I'm okay just not happy' smiles. 

Cheesy Music. I swear by it, it definitely works! One Direction has been blasting out my speakers the last 3 days (I know...) as if to make things even worse I added Five to that little play list too. I have just completely wrecked all possible fair reputation I might have had for my taste in music but you can't sit and listen to 'What makes you beautiful' with a frown on your face. Its quite impossible for me. 

and always remember...


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