Monday 19 September 2011

Powering It Through

I think I may have one of the loveliest running routes in the UK. I jog out of the studios, up some steps and turn left and that is the boring bit over. From there on in its running up hill past the dockyards, into the costal woodlands around the beaten down old castle that looks out to the sea then down towards the beaches and the cliff routes between them. I am in love with my route. I have never ran anywhere more beautiful. 

If running isn't your thing then don't by any means force yourself into it. Find something you enjoy there are too many possibilies to use the excuse 'sport just doesn't interest me'; Gym, Tennis, Football, Rugby, Athletics, Dancing, Cycling, Badminton, Netball, Basketball, Zumba, Aerobics, Swimming... oh so many exciting activities!

The thing with running is it can be the most fantastic feeling in the world and at other times it is the very last thing you want to be doing. If you decide to start running remember that the first month or so will be the toughest you will want to give up and find a million excuses to. After a while, however, you will get to the point that if you go a week without stepping out the door in a pair of not-so-white-anymore trainers your mind and body will be crying out for a bit of exercise! For example right now I haven't run in 3 days... that's pretty long for me and my body if desperate to be out jogging in the evening breeze but I've got to be somewhere soon so I have to wait until morning. 

Speaking honestly, I’ve been running for nine months now and I don’t fancy going running every time. I need to be pushed and I still need to push myself but I have got to the point where I miss running when I neglect it. Its like an old friend you’d never spend a week without texting/calling/seeing.

Set distance goals for yourself rather than dress sizes 

My Running/Exercise in general Little Pep-talk Factlettes
  1. Pushing yourself = results and more endorphins.
  2. Find inspiration - whether is a new running route, good tracks on your ipod or friends to jog with
  3. Expect slow but lasting results, keep positive, keep determination, keep going (more on this later)
  4. Eating well (and yes by that I mean actually eating) will help you go faster and further.
  5. Invest in a good pair of running shoes - believe me they will do wonders for the high impact and then shin splints are really no excuse. 

Running a balance of up and down hill can help tone your body as well as the general aerobic exercise you're undertaking,

Go on, give it a try


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